
5/5 (1)

This is a very large and famous social network. CAPTCHA is a hn free CAPCTHA with something a bit updated. Well, result is still the same. OK, they get 3 stars, but that’s all. We used to see them quite often while verifying the identity of new users on certain websites, like online casinos. Friendster CAPTCHA is especially common for Canadian online casino websites and just in case you would like to get the best Canadian online casinos to review, be invited to follow this link. Find out more about the New version of tEABAG_3D.


4/5 (1)

One more mobile operator – Jeans. Guys who made this CAPCTHA was inspired by Rapidshare CAPTCHA. But they don’t trace it’s changing – such model was hacked very quickly. Due to color model separating to chars is very easy. Then neural network makes the rest.

UMC (ver 0.2)

3/5 (1)

New version of UMC CAPTCHA is much better then previous (see demo). Char overlapping is great. BUT – it’s random there, so, sometimes there is no overlaping at all. And, of course, the char color. Thank you very much for making overlapped chars with different colors. Due to this feature overlapping means nothing, and gives no additional obfuscation. Must say that readability went down – it’s now not too easy to read it correctly. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.

4/5 (1) is a new giant, guys. But not in CAPCTHAs. Yes, must say, it’s nice, and hard to beat, but color model is not the only way to separate specific chuncks. It’s possible to separate letter chuncks from background chunks basing in it’s parameters, firstly – position and shape.

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