Kyivstar SMS sender v0.2

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Kyivstar (one of the biggest mobile service provider in Ukraine) has changed it’s CAPTCHA. I don’t realy know why, but I hope they found our site and understood the problem. Understanding is good, but rushing is bad. Instead of think about how strong CAPTCHA should be built they just made primitive changes. It’s now in 100 times stronger then was, but still is easy to beat. Another primitive CAPTCHA was implemented at UMC (biggest competitor of KS). And it’s still there! Read more about how does captcha work.

The CAPTCHA and the reCAPTCHA are soon gone, here is their story

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It is a small part of the internet that is disappearing. Google announced that CAPTCHA as we knew it today was going to be replaced by an invisible CAPTCHA. You don’t have to re-enter unreadable or incomprehensible bits of text, click on a button, or find the right animals, or find the right scales to prove you’re not a robot and get to the right page. Instead, Google will simply rely on how you navigate, explains the web giant in a blog post. Read more about how to beat captcha.

“Human users will be able to pass by without seeing the small box “I am not a robot” while suspicious users and bots will have to solve challenges.”

If you have spent a little time on the internet since the early 2010’s, you have necessarily seen these little boxes on which we sometimes spend a lot more time than expected trying to decipher. Captcha was also used briefly in online casinos too but quickly was removed because it made the players frustrated to fill captcha on every login. See here how today online casinos secured their platforms and users, and how much has improved since 2010, mostly the French gambling platforms.

CAPTCHA, her first version was born in the early 2000s, at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States. At the time, Mental Floss explains, the team led by Luis von Ahn “wanted to find a way to eliminate the huge armies of spambots who were posing as normal users.” Together, they designed a program that shows on the screen distorted text, that a computer is unable to be free, but that a human can easily decipher (well, normally).

“All a human had to do was type that text in a box, and they could continue their navigation.”

New set of weak CAPTCHA

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After some time of browsing the web we found a set of new CAPTCHAs which must take a place in a Weakness list. Some of them are small and local, but it also contain a world wide famouse systems. Due to a self-confidence of webmasters we will have a lot of places where OCR may be successfully applied.

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